You’re Invited!
Have you ever wondered if you have what it takes to design Ads, TV commercials, 3D Video Games or Web Designs? If so, join the admissions team at our next open house and learn how you may earn a Graphic Design A.A.S. Degree or B.S. Degree in Media Arts.
Check in at the Admissions Department at 6:30 p.m on January 8th for our Open House!
Additional parking at Wells Fargo Bank. (Across the street from Platt College)
Welcome Wednesdays are the First Wednesday of Every Month. Join us!
January 8th, 2014
February 5th, 2014
March 5th, 2014
Contact us with any questions.
Phone: 619.265.0107 ext. 11 or ask for the Admissions Dept.