Lyceum Exhibition for Platt College Students and Alumni!
Where: We invite you to submit your best work for the art exhibition at the Lyceum Theatre downtown. We will hang the show Aug 10th and it will be at the Lyceum through September 18th.
When: Your art work is DUE: MONDAY, JULY 27th .Turn your art work into the library to Nicole or one of the librarians.
Theme/Mediums: The art show is titled “Self-Impressionism” to correlate with the theme of the play “Violet.” Your art work should be professional and tie in with the themes of self-expression, self-discovery etc. Self-portraits are welcome. Paintings, photos, poetry, digital design and multi-medium works are all welcomed for the exhibition.
Works Will be on display during the play “Violet”. Here’s a Summary: As a girl, Violet was struck by a wayward axe blade when her father was chopping wood, leaving her with a visible scar across her face. With enough money finally saved she’s traveling across the 1964 Deep South towards a miracle – the healing touch of a TV evangelist that will make her beautiful.
Though she may not succeed in having the scar on her face healed, Violet is able to repair those that are lying deeper than her skin; and on the way she meets a young, African-American Soldier whose love for her reaches far past her physical “imperfections.
How: Please do not ‘mount’ your artwork. However, if you would like to display your work in a frame of your choice you will need to bring it ready to hang. Please keep in mind that we are looking to display professional quality artwork. The theme of the exhibit is self-expression, self-discovery etc.
You also have the option to sell your artwork. When dropping of your work please let us know what you would like to sell it for. We have frames here but will not sell your pieces with the frames because they belong to Platt. You are encouraged to frame your work, or buy a canvas and create the whole packaged look.
Art Reception: We will host the reception on Saturday, August 29th at the Lyceum. We encourage all of the artists to come, and please invite your friends and family.