Anyone who spends any time at all online probably watches online videos, so it probably doesn’t surprise you to hear that online video is a powerful medium. However, many people still aren’t fully aware of just how important online video really is. Here is our quick foray into the power of online video from a media arts and marketing perspective.
Changing the face of marketing
According to Cisco, online video will make up 69 percent of all online consumer traffic by 2017. By 2019, video traffic will make up 80 percent of all online consumer traffic. In fact, by 2019 five million years’ worth of video—from the perspective of how long it would take a single person to watch it—will cross global IP networks every month; that’s a rate of almost a million minutes of video content per second.
There is every indication that video content is going to continue to experience amazing growth. Even now online video is one of the primary ways that people meet their needs for entertainment and information, including consumer information. For all of these reasons, businesses of all sizes must make online video creation part of their digital marketing strategies.
Video content is king
Bill Gates was the first person to say, “Content is king,” and he said it in 1996. Since that time content marketing has proven him right, but content marketing is changing. Online video now represents the cutting edge of content marketing, and it’s more than a passing fancy. Video is a powerful way to build relationships with your leads and existing customers, clarify your value proposition, and tell your brand story.
Furthermore, according to the statistics, online video is effective content. 92 percent of consumers of mobile video share online videos with others. Placing a video on your landing page yields you higher conversion rates—up to 80 percent higher. And video in email boosts your click-through rate by 200 to 300 percent.
Video content on channels like YouTube is also your best bet when it comes to reach. YouTube entertains in excess of one billion unique visitors every single month. Mobile video consumption is growing fast—by an incredible 100 percent every year. YouTube also reaches some of the most sought after markets: in the US it reaches more 18-34 and 18-49 year olds than cable.
Creating viral videos
There’s no magic formula for creating viral videos—if there was, we’d all be using it. However, there are a few basic rules to keep in mind that have been well-researched and proven over time.
Marketing professor Jonah Berger has researched what makes viral content so shareable, and he identified five traits:
- 1. Surprising
- 2. Interesting
- 3. Intense
- 4. Positive
- 5. Actionable
Fast Company elaborates on these five traits, using science to give us five more goals:
- Bestow social currency on your video content—the ability to make strong connections with its intended audience.
- Make sure you provide practical value with your video content. Funny videos are awesome, but most people don’t have enough time to share endless funny videos; practical videos are more shareable for more people.
- Aim to create online videos with emotional appeal.
- Create video content that is relatable; when people see themselves in your video, they share it.
- Use the element of surprise to keep your video content fresh and engaging.
Whether you’re a business owner needing to enhance your digital marketing strategy or a media arts/marketing professional creating content, you will need to harness the power of online video. As video content continues to change the way marketing works and drive better results, creators of online video content will need to use more creativity and the latest technologies to produce more impressive video. Will your latest online video creation be the next viral sensation?