Platt College San Diego is happy to partner up with the College Area Business District in an effort to beautify the neighborhood we’ve called home for over 30 years! They are now accepting applications for a chance to be part of a huge project painting 20 different utility boxes.
If you’re interested in having your artwork be a part of our neighborhood, please submit a link to examples of your work or portfolio to our Social Media Coordinator, Natasha at [email protected]. You will also need to submit a rough sketch of your concept for what you would like to paint on the utility box by downloading the template PDF and drawing out your idea for consideration. Keep in mind that the boxes will vary in size so you may need to adjust your concept once you are assigned your box.
The deadline for submissions is March 11th. You can either scan your concept sketch or drop it off with Natasha in Admissions. If you are chosen to paint one of the utility boxes you will be reimbursed $150 upon completion of the project. If you want to paint more than one that is a possibility as well. You will be given $150 for each utility box that you paint. Painting supplies will not be provided so you will need to have your own. However you can get supplies at a discounted rate from the Visual Shop in North Park. The utility boxes have already been primed and are ready for paint. If you are chosen you will have 2 weeks to complete the project.
The College Area Business District has chosen these utility boxes because they are located in high traffic areas so they are looking for art that is bright, vibrant and creative. No logos or branding is allowed for these designs. Below are some examples for reference.
We look forward to seeing what our students come up with for these utility boxes and will be sharing progress of their work as we move forward with the project. This is definitely an excellent opportunity to network with other prominent local artists, build your portfolio and make some extra money doing what you love!