Career Services
Career Services assist in bridging the gap from being a student to being employed. Platt San Diego graduates have worked for high-profile companies such as: DreamWorks Animation, Google, Industrial Light and Magic (ILM), DC Comics and many more.

Is there a cutoff date to use the Career Services Department?
There is NO cut-off date to utilize the Career Services department after graduation. Attending or graduated 10-years-ago, we will always help.
Is there an accessible job board?
Yes. From day one you will receive access to the Platt College San Diego Job Board. The PCSD Job Board is only available for attending or graduated students.
To facilitate you in your career goals, Platt College San Diego implements several career services:
Ongoing Goal Development: Helping you explore skills and goals.
The Career Service department is available for walk in and scheduled appointments for both current students and alumni. Additionally, various meetings are scheduled with you throughout your education to further explore your skill set and career goals. As your interest develop and talents progress, we are able to better match your skill level with the appropriate prospective employer’s requirements.
Portfolio Development: Showcasing proficient design skills and talents.
One of the vital components in preparing for a job interview is to complete a portfolio, which is aimed to showcase your best digital media design work. At Platt College, you are required to develop a portfolio with the guidance of a professor; however, beyond the classroom Career Services seeks opportunities to expand portfolio development, critique and exposure.
Occasionally a guest speaker may participate in a one-on-one portfolio meeting with you, while you are developing or when you have completed your portfolio. During this type of workshop and depending on a company’s availability, as a PCSD designer you may receive candid expert opinions regarding your portfolio from a local or high-profile company representative. The feedback and direction prove to be invaluable. You are encouraged to focus on your best work and showcase your most proficient skills.
Interview Preparation: Know how to present yourself and portfolio to a potential employer.
While preparing for a job interview, you have access to receive individual coaching, role play scenarios, and suggestions for becoming a business professional. For those students who request additional coaching, we offer various practice sessions. The practice sessions boost your confidence in tackling an interview. Different job opportunities require distinct skills, therefore, based on your strength, we structure a plan to best suit you.
In today’s ever-changing digital media industry, Career Services strives to bridge the gap between your education at Platt College San Diego and your future success. By providing a pipeline to invaluable industry professionals. As a student at Platt College, you are given the opportunity to excel in your field of study and stand out among other candidates when applying for your dream job!
If you are motivated and willing to be flexible in terms of location and entry-level positions, you may often find opportunities that may act as stepping-stones to your desired digital media career. Furthermore, if you keep in close contact, network and take advantage of services offered by Career Services, you may find success and continued opportunity.
Although the College cannot guarantee employment, most graduates who actively seek employment with the assistance of the career services department secure jobs in their field of training. A statistical report indicating placement percentages for each program is provided to each prospective student by the admissions department prior to enrollment. The importance of regular class attendance and satisfactory academic progress are emphasized as qualities that influence potential employers.
When companies are looking for talented individuals to join their innovated teams, they think Platt College San Diego!
Platt College San Diego welcomes the opportunity to work with employers and learn how the Career Services Department may introduce them to talented Digital Media Designers! Assisting employers within the digital media design fields with qualified prescreened candidates is our specialty. We encourage companies to contact us so that we may assist with posting part-time, full-time positions or contract assignments on the PCSD job board and hiring a graduate.
In addition to posting job opportunities, employers are invited to participate in Career Workshops. During this intimate setting, guests may discuss the current trends, the newest technologies, and focus on the where and how, of finding a job, and keeping it. This is a perfect time for guest and our students to engage in question and answer sessions, portfolio reviews and begin networking.
Financial Literacy
Platt College San Diego offers financial Literacy through the completion of the Personal Finance Management (BUS104) General Education class, scheduled in the Associate of Graphic Design program. The requirements are stipulated in the course syllabus, as a mandatory project done through The BUS104 class covers essentials of personal finance including how to make more money, spend less, and investing, as the students complete the following requirements: college and money, credit & protecting your money, debt & repayment, earning money, foundations of money, future of your money, loan guidance, psychology of money, and spending & borrowing.
Veteran Liaison
Platt College San Diego employs the services of a Veteran Liaison staff member to assist veterans with the transition from military life to student life. The Veteran Liaison has an office where veterans can obtain information about the school and information related to veteran support groups in the local area. The Veteran Liaison representative is also a veteran, facilitating the interaction between school and VA students.
Platt College San Diego is approved by the State Approving Agency for Veterans Affairs and participates in several Veterans’ Education Programs. The student needs to contact the VA to determine specific eligibility.
Platt College Library/LRS
Platt College San Diego maintains a central library on campus, with reference material for courses of study. Resource materials include general and specific subject reference books, magazines and professional publication. The college also maintains online resources which link the student to various research guides, Internet resources, databases and graphic design / media arts tutorials. Educational and inspirational exhibitions are displayed periodically. The college library is open from Monday – Thursday from 8AM – 5PM, Fridays from 8AM – 3:30PM, and closed during weekends.
Alumni are an important part of the Platt College San Diego Community. Graduates are encouraged to stay in touch long after they have graduated and joined the professional world. By keeping in touch with Career Services, graduates continue to build upon their skills as they continue to receive support, guidance, and resources for the entire journey ahead. Platt College’s Alumni are invited to further network, showcase work, and continue to participate in PCSD’s workshops, design exhibits, cultural trips and all of our extracurricular events.
Since the digital media design industry is one that is constantly progressing, we know it is important to keep up-to-date skills and latest industry trends. With that in mind, further opportunity to continue learning or skill development may be achieved through professional development courses, diploma programs or auditing a previous class. Professional Development classes are offered year-round. Graduates may audit within five years of their graduation date any class previously completed, as determined by current course description. A Graduate interested in auditing a class must discuss seat availability with the Registrar prior to entering the classroom.