“…honestly, I would not be a business owner if it wasn’t for my education and training at PCSD.
I am eternally grateful for this school!”
Nicole: We love staying connected with our PCSD alumni! It is always such a pleasure to hear what they have been doing in the industry since they’ve graduated. With that said, what is your favorite part about working in the industry?
Becca: My favorite part about working in the industry is getting to decide when I work, where I work (whether that be in bed or at some cute little coffee shops), and being able to decide who I want to do work for!
Nicole: You recently started your own company, congratulations, can you speak a little about that?
Becca: While I was finishing up school at Platt College San Diego I was also working for a startup company which made me realize two things~
1. I hate giving someone else control over my life and how I spend my time.
2. Nobody really actually knows what they’re doing in the real world. If they could do it, why couldn’t I? So, I quit the startup company and went back to working as a waitress so that I could save up enough money to have a good cushion. Once I had enough money, I quit my job as a waitress and pursued my dream! Woo Hoo!
As for Becca Jean Creative, I help businesses brand themselves with a responsive logo & complete style guide and build custom websites for them to help get more leads and speak to their ideal clients!
Nicole: In what program did you receive your Bachelor’s Degree?
Becca: Website Development!
Nicole: How were the instructors and classes influential to your success?
Becca: All of my teachers were influential in so many different ways. The most influential was Fishy Fred for teaching me all the ins and outs of web development. Even when I took six months off from school and totally forgot everything, I still learned lots when I came back! I also learned a lot from all of the life advice he sprinkled into his lessons. Another influential instructor was Melissa Cabral. She introduced me to the world of WordPress which I use to build my websites now. She also helped me realize my worth when I wasn’t being treated right when I was working as an intern at the startup company. Oh, AND for teaching me how to rollerblade!
Nicole: How have the skills you learned at Platt College SD helped you with your current career?
Becca: Everything that I learned laid the foundation for my design and coding skills, so honestly I would not be a business owner if it wasn’t for my education and training at PCSD. I am eternally grateful for this school!
Nicole: What are some of the best experiences that you had while attending Platt College San Diego?
Becca: I can’t even pick one- I had SO much fun at PCSD not just with my classmates who I came to love like siblings, but also with the teachers! I looked forward to coming to school every day knowing that I was going to learn something awesome AND have so much fun joking around with everyone at the same time. I never thought I could be in a learning environment like that and it was just the best thing ever.
Nicole: What advice do you have for aspiring designers?
Becca: My advice would be to start with a google doc and write down everything you need to do to start your own business (pricing your services, tax stuff, marketing ideas, etc). Chip away at that list one thing at a time! Also, do as many freelance jobs as possible to build up an awesome portfolio and learn how to sell yourself!
Nicole: Is there anything else you would like to share with us?
Becca: I just want everyone who is even considering owning their own business or becoming a contractor to know that they should at least give it a try! If you don’t, your’e going to spend the rest of your life kicking yourself and wondering what your life could have looked like. Just do it!!